Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Writing the Vision

We've had a VERY busy and trying weekend but this week is starting off to a good start.  Last weekend we were out of town for our friend's funeral, and I'm pretty sure I gained back at least 3 lbs from the "bad" choices I made.

Remember me talking about planning things and how well I do when I plan things out?  Well, I didn't plan for the restaurants we went to and when I was trying figure out what I was going to eat there, I wound up getting flustered (I HATE being the last person not knowing what to get), not to mention my emotional state was a bit raw... so I sort of defaulted to what the old Tab would have ordered.

So I consumed more calories than what I should have on Friday and Saturday, and probably Sunday too, since we went with my sis and her bambinos to their favorite country buffet.  (I did eat mostly veggies, but you know southern cooking can add on the calories without you even knowing it! LOL)

In spite of that, I'm NOT throwing in the towel.  I had my depressed moments about it, believe me, but I have to be careful not to let myself stay in that place.  I can't afford to go under again. I've GOT to keep my head above water, even when it seems I'm too weak to keep on.

I decided that for today's post, I'm going to remind myself of why I'm doing this - getting healthier and doing so in such a public, uber-accountable fashion.

1.  I will be a runner...and I will call myself a RUNNER.  I've walked/jogged a few times, but I'm ready to be running some 5ks!
2.  I will be able to take my son on vacation and not be concerned about weight limits, fitting in seats or standing/walking for long periods of time.
3.  I will shop at a place that does not carry plus-sized clothes.
4.  I will not worry about developing diabetes and heart conditions due to my sedentary lifestyle because I do not have a sedentary lifestyle any longer.
5.  I will not be ashamed for being the biggest mom in whatever room I walk into.
6.  I will help others realize their potential in becoming the healthiest person they can be, too!
7.  I will look back and realize that I AM STRONG ENOUGH to do what God has called me to do; and to change what God wants me to change!

What are your goals or motivation points?  Write them out!!!

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