Sunday, May 20, 2012

Blessed Art

I'm getting into craftwork again! I'd forgotten how much I enjoy it and how therapeutic it can be! ;) This is a gift I made for my bff's birthday, whichbis today. I got the inspiration for it on the way home from church this morning (what? You think I procrastinate!?!?!) and this verse is super special for us because my sweet BFF is pregnant with her first child! Hope you like it! I know she did! I had to "bling" it up a little bit cause she loves her some bling! ;)

It's kinda hard to tell in this pic, but the plaque is not black-- the color is actually "oiled bronze" which goes so well with the burnt paper the verse is printed on. I also used Mod Podge, hot glue, jute twine, sandpaper to distress the wood after painting, a clear acrylic sealer spray and of course a bling-y pearl, lace, and feather rose. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! I can't decide where I want to hang it!! :)
