Happy Thursday, everybody!
Today was a very emotional day for me - I was stressed to the max, and had planned on going walking before eating lunch. My office is very supportive of us making fitness a priority, so I can go on a walk (or run, eventually) and come back and work a bit in the office in my work out clothes & "dry off" before putting my office clothes back on. SUPER good thing, if you ask me.
Anyway, my "lunch time" got pushed back more than an hour, so by the time I got to go walking it was hot as Hades out there and I was mad as a hornet because *my* plans didn't go how I thought they should. (You know how that is, right?)
But I still got out there and worked it. This was my first walk-at-work time since probably April or May, and my first time walking on pavement without the family in a while. If it's just me, my pace tends to be quicker than when I have my dear hubster and my 10-year-old with me.
So here's what myfitnesspal.com says about my workout:
So, 3 more minutes and I would have hit my daily work out goal of 30 minutes, but I'm not too worried about 3 stinkin' minutes! According to this app, I rocked out my daily calories burned target, but I realize that's just an estimate.
Another app I used, mapmywalk, estimated my calories burned at around 250-something. This is when I'd REALLY love to have either a fitbit or Jawbone UP to have a better estimate of my calories burned. We all know that weight loss means you burn more calories and eat less calories, and I'm geeky enough to want an accurate read-out of all that data all the time! :-)
I've found out I'm a bit of an app junkie, though, when it comes to fitness apps. LOL - Here's a quick run-down of what's on my phone right now
sparkpeople (I'm thinking about making the switch, thought, to myfitnesspal. Basically trying to find out which one I like better as far as inputting info and finding friends/support.. BTW, my username for sparkpeople is fit4tab if you want to find me!)
myfitnesspal (username: tabrewis if you want to find me)
endomondo (supposedly this fitness tracker will track treadmill workouts better than the others - I've only used it twice for treadmill workouts. Once it did great & the other time didn't track well at all - which may have been user error, so the jury is still out on this one.)
C25K (Couch to 5K - love this!! It will supposedly integrate seamlessly with myfitnesspal for tracking, so I'll let you know if it's as good as they say.)
Runtastic (I used this quite a bit earlier this year when I was much farther along my Couch 2 5k journey. I'm still making up the ground I lost now.)
MapMyWalk (I downloaded this just recently since I feel sort of like an imposter using Runtastic if I'm only walking at this point - LOL)
Half Size Me Weight Loss Coach (this is the app inspired by my favorite podcast. I've just downloaded it, but you can set your own goals and it will keep your reminded of them when the going gets tough. There's lots of audio encouragements and quotes that will keep you motivated to make the right decisions, whether you're dealing with a potential binge coming on, or dealing with grief and trying not to use things that happen to you as an excuse to eat poorly. It is NOT free, but at only about $2.99, I think it's worth it. Oh - you can also set up "rewards" for yourself (like a mani/pedi or whatever makes you happy) for meeting goals. Pretty cool)
Well, here's hoping our Friday is a LOT better than the rest of this week has been. Both my dad and my grandmother are in the hospital tonight (just a few doors down from each other), so please say prayers for both of them and for our family.
Love me some Wifey!!!