- Sticking with our new lifestyle has been challenging at times, but overall, it's been easier than I thought.
- I am really enjoying exercising at lunch. Gets me out of the grind and makes my days even better.
- Sweating at lunch doesn't bother me as much as I used to think it would. I'd much rather be sweaty and losing than smell pretty and keep gaining.
- I've noticed the last few weeks my plantar fasciitis has pretty much gone away!
- I used to think that tensing up while I was exercising (running, couch-to-5K, etc) was what caused my after-work-out migraines, but now I believe it was getting my heart rate too high for too long. The Lunchtime Express class I go to 3x/week has enough varied exercises that I can keep it from going too high for too long, but I really have to watch it in the Spin class I do 2x/week.
- My knees sound like maracas when I'm bending, climbing or squatting, and I'm praying that I can somehow reverse the damage by getting this weight off.
- My Dad has stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to his liver. We're waiting to hear from his most recent PET scan, but I've never been more scared of losing someone than I've been the last few weeks.
- I love watching Downton Abbey. A lot.
- I am also a bit addicted to Fixer Upper on HGTV.
- I (thankfully) haven't really WANTED a Mountain Dew in weeks, so that MUST be a major miracle!
- If I didn't have a job I'd have a much cleaner house and be able to craft a LOT more. I miss having time to craft, but I'd miss my paycheck more. LOL
- I can't wait till I can get a heart rate monitor to start using when I'm working out.
- I post A LOT of fitness and weight loss related things on instragram so follow me if you don't already. My user name is tabrewis.
- Also, add me on myfitnesspal.com - again, username is tabrewis.
- My son is so smart! He understands that flipping a house means you buy a house, remodel it and then sell it at a profit! How many 11-year-olds get that?? (Probably because his mommy watches so stinkin' much HGTV)
- I received a great compliment last week about my writing.
- I owe any writing greatness to my high school Lit teacher, Mrs. James. (She taught me for 3 years in Honors Lit.)
- In another life, I would have been a band director, following after another of my mentors, Ms. Deborah Bradley.
- My first speeding ticket was earned on my wedding day. My dad "took care of it" as a wedding present. LOL
- My husband and I get to go see the Blue Man Group for the first time in a couple weeks! So excited!
- I love going to youtube and listening to playlists from WorshipMob. If you haven't heard of them, you should check them out.
- My husband has lost 20+ lbs in the same amount of time I struggled to lose 6. I'm happy for him....really!
- One of my absolute favorite things is when we tuck Col in at night and pray with him. He's growing so fast!
- I get distracted way too easily.
- I'm feeling cruise fever again. You should probably pray. Or donate $$$ so we can take another cruise soon. LOL
Have a blessed week everyone!