I ran across a "25 Things" post on my favorite southern DIY blog (
perfectlyimperfectblog.com) and felt inspired, if you will, to entertain you with my own. So, here goes...wait, I'll give you time to get some popcorn first.......OK, ready?
1. I REALLY, REALLY want to have more time to do some furniture refinishing the way I WANT to do it!
2. Nicer weather would be nice, too, since I'm wishing...
3. I'm really thankful that my husband puts up with my phases. ;-)
4. Mountain Dew is still REALLY tempting.
5. I get stressed out and want food, even though I know I want food only because I'm stressed out.
6. I have a VERY photogenic little boy!
He picked out his own clothes for church this day :-) |
7. That little boy is growing up waaaaaaaayyy too fast!
8. I like the smell of my home after a really stressful day. (or any day for that matter)
9. Some people like rain. Not me. I'm a sunshine-y type of girl!
10. Sometimes I feel like my little sister is my daughter - I'm fiercely protective of her! (I just can't let her know that all the time.)
11. Her daughters are very precious to me - and I can't wait till they come spend some time with me this summer!
12. I believe there's power in music of all kinds. I'm not one of those who go overboard with this, but I refuse to listen to negativity, especially in my choices of music.
13. I regret that I never finished college, but I love where I am in life right now!
14. My husband's and my calling to the ministry is the most exciting and terrifying thing to me. :-)
15. I kind of like being the wife and mom of a couple of geeky guys. Star Wars and Legos will always have a place in our home...
16. We almost lost my son when he was 20 months old, when he stopped breathing after a febrile seizure. I still have nightmares about that day, but he has not had a seizure since!
17. I'm blessed to work with some pretty awesome people. Some get on my nerves more than others, but they are always good for a laugh!
18. Sometimes, I just have to listen to some Big Band/Swing music! Try it - makes you want to dance! ;-)
19. When I drink sodas, I prefer a bottle over a can. It's a weird thing, but I have to be able to see my drink, and you can't tell if something's floating in a can...
20. In another life, I would have been a midwife. I think one of God's most beautiful miracles is the birth of a baby.
21. My
best friend in the whole world is having her first baby in less than 3 months! I'm very excited!
22. If I could pay my bills being a SAHM, I would do it in a heartbeat!
23. I really like
my bodybugg now that I've learned the secrets to linking it to my iPhone!
24. I broke a mirror today... but I bet I'm not going to have 7 years of bad luck! (My Bible says differently...) LOL
25. I like flip flops. This is what is hanging in my office>>>>