Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Still Standing..

I'm still here!!!  It's been such a CRAZY summer!  4 of our nieces (well, the ones 8 years and older) came to spend a week with us in consecutive order (most of them made it the whole week), my Dad joined the party one of those weeks, we've had youth camps, funerals, birthdays and anniversaries, spend-the-nights, the premature birth of my may-as-well-be nephew, and actually worked in a date night for me and the hubs!  My fitness has absolutely taken a back burner and it shows...One of my reasons for not posting is, of course, the guilt I feel about not doing my best.  But, I'm trying to get over that. I actually get irritated because I don't WANT to NOT drink a Mountain Dew or NOT eat an unhealthy snack.  I totally understand Paul when he mentioned in the Bible something along the lines of "the things I don't want to do, I do and the things I want to do, I don't do."  I'm totally there.

So pray for me as I put one foot in front of the other and do what I know needs to happen.

Here's a bit of inspiration for you (and me!!):

And, because I now have this song stuck in my head from the title of this post, here's something to get your praise on (listen all the way to the end!):

Monday, June 25, 2012

My first piece of painted furniture - on the cheap!!

A while back - like several months ago - I obtained this end table.  (When I got it, it was put together, I promise!)  It came complete with a very tacky, very bright brass pull.  In case you haven't guessed, I really DO NOT LIKE brass.  Especially shiny brass.  It reminds me of the worst parts of the 80s.  

But I digress...I decided to paint it with a shabby chic kind of finish, so I set out on what I thought was a good plan to get ride of the shiny stain/paint/varnish/whatever monstrosity that was.  As you can tell, the legs of the table (which started out the same cherry color as the top gave me NO problem whatsoever.  However, after about 10 minutes (I told you I'm an instant gratification type of girl, right?) of sanding that tabletop just to wind up with a few scratches, I thought, "Good Lord, I'm never going to get this shiny stuff off!"

So, I went and bought a deglosser AND a stripper.  I couldn't tell that the deglosser did much of anything, so I put the stripper on and let it sit for 3+ hours while I went to some friends for some yummy tacos and peach cobbler. :-)

The stripper worked on the SIDES of the table but not the top.  I wish I had pics to show you, but to be honest, I was so frustrated by this point I was near tears and wasn't really sure this blog post would ever see the light of day.

That's when I said, "Well, phooey on that! I'll just prime the mess out of it."  So that's what I did.  Here's the thing, though.  I am VERY MUCH on a budget for the next few months, so I couldn't afford to just order in the chalk paint or milk paint that furniture painters everywhere tout (I WILL one day, though!!).  So I had a can of spray Kilz primer, a can of dark brown spray paint and a can of ivory spray paint.  And that's what I worked with.   In that order.

I tried to get pretty even coverage with the primer and dark paint, but when it came to the ivory paint, I knew I'd just be sanding and distressing most of that off, so I didn't worry too much about "even" coverage then.

Here we are with one leg sanded and the table top mostly sanded.
Sanding the legs was pretty simple (thanks to a friend loaning me his palm sander.  Thank God for power tools!).  I was afraid to use the sander on the table top, since that's what will be seen most, so I sanded that BY HAND.  Better workout than Jillian could give me, I'm telling you.  Especially doing this outside in the Savannah summer...

So here's the finished product.  You'll notice I also painted the hardware darker and sanded it a bit so you don't see the stinking bright brass.  LOL Also, I used some lacquer to seal it when all was said and done. (three coats on the table top since that would get more wear & tear)

So, here's what I've taken from this:

1.  I tend to over-think things.  I should have just gone with my gut and primed and painted.
2.  I LOVE the way the table top turned out - almost like brush strokes.  
3.  I will definitely be more careful with the legs next time - I think I would have liked more ivory than brown showing.
4.  I REALLY want to try Annie Sloan's Chalk Paint on my next piece.  I'm saving my pennies now...

So, I hope you guys are having a GRAND Monday.  Here's to an awesome week!!


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pics from the anniversary celebration

Here are some more pics of the anniversary celebration we threw the parents on June 1st.  :-)

old door we used to display 8x10's of mom and dad's wedding from 1972

One of the couples competing against Mom & Dad in the "Newlywed Game" -- it was rigged so mom and dad would win. ;-) (this couple did just as much - if not more - work than me and my sister did to pull this party off!!)

burlap wrapped mason jar with tiles we used for decor & favors

my husband with two of our friends who traveled  all the way from Savannah to play the song we wrote for the parents

I like this pic of mom and Dad - they look so mischievous!

My mom with one of my favorite uncles (by the way, I have 8 uncles total!!!)

the vanity my cousin refinished - we used at the entrance to display more pics of Mom and Dad

Thanks to the Pine Valley Fire Department for allowing us use of their facility!

The family


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

25 Things

I ran across a "25 Things" post on my favorite southern DIY blog ( and felt inspired, if you will, to entertain you with my own.  So, here goes...wait, I'll give you time to get some popcorn first.......OK, ready?

 1.  I REALLY, REALLY want to have more time to do some furniture refinishing the way I WANT to do it!
 2.  Nicer weather would be nice, too, since I'm wishing...
 3.  I'm really thankful that my husband puts up with my phases. ;-)
 4.  Mountain Dew is still REALLY tempting.
 5.  I get stressed out and want food, even though I know I want food only because I'm stressed out.
 6.  I have a VERY photogenic little boy!
He picked out his own clothes for church this day :-)
 7.  That little boy is growing up waaaaaaaayyy too fast!
 8.  I like the smell of my home after a really stressful day. (or any day for that matter)
 9.  Some people like rain.  Not me.  I'm a sunshine-y type of girl!
10. Sometimes I feel like my little sister is my daughter - I'm fiercely protective of her! (I just can't let her know that all the time.)
11.  Her daughters are very precious to me - and I can't wait till they come spend some time with me this summer!
12.  I believe there's power in music of all kinds.  I'm not one of those who go overboard with this, but I refuse to listen to negativity, especially in my choices of music.
13.  I regret that I never finished college, but I love where I am in life right now!
14.  My husband's and my calling to the ministry is the most exciting and terrifying thing to me. :-)
15.  I kind of like being the wife and mom of a couple of geeky guys.  Star Wars and Legos will always have a place in our home...
16.  We almost lost my son when he was 20 months old, when he stopped breathing after a febrile seizure.  I still have nightmares about that day, but he has not had a seizure since!
17.  I'm blessed to work with some pretty awesome people.  Some get on my nerves more than others, but they are always good for a laugh!
18.  Sometimes, I just have to listen to some Big Band/Swing music!  Try it - makes you want to dance! ;-)
19.  When I drink sodas, I prefer a bottle over a can.  It's a weird thing, but I have to be able to see my drink, and you can't tell if something's floating in a can...
20.  In another life, I would have been a midwife.  I think one of God's most beautiful miracles is the birth of a baby.
21.  My best friend in the whole world is having her first baby in less than 3 months! I'm very excited!
22.  If I could pay my bills being a SAHM, I would do it in a heartbeat!
23.  I really like my bodybugg now that I've learned the secrets to linking it to my iPhone!
24.  I broke a mirror today... but I bet I'm not going to have 7 years of bad luck! (My Bible says differently...) LOL
25.  I like flip flops.  This is what is hanging in my office>>>>


Friday, June 8, 2012

In Denial...

Check out this article:  Obesity in America's Church

For a long time, we've joked about the fact that Christians are so overweight - I've even made the joke that Christians can't drink, smoke, or toke, but we can eat.  ;-)

I believe that the Church is in denial, pure and simple.  We judge others for living 'in sin' and having (too many?) piercings and tattoos and smoking and any number of things, but no one really mentions the sin of the lack of self-control when it comes to food and drink(or, for my Catholic friends, gluttony).

I'm not trying to bash the church at all - on the contrary, I think our leadership should not only lead the flock in spiritual matters, but also physical matters.  

You know, this Bible verse isn't just talking about tattoos and make-up. ;-)  As an obese minister's wife, I realize I'm the pot calling the kettle black, but I hope you can hear my heart in this.  I think we can do so much better than what we're doing right now.

What do you think?  I want to hear!! 

Have a blessed weekend, y'all!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Are you ready for ANSWERED prayers?

Back in the '90s, when Garth Brooks was at his pinnacle of success, he released a song "Unanswered Prayers".  It's a cute song, and despite the fact that its (gasp!) secular, really did help me as a young Christian put into perspective Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

I'm thankful for the unanswered prayers.  I'm also thankful for answers that I didn't even know I had a question for! But that's another post and I want to share with you tonight an answered prayer that I honestly was not prepared to be answered.  I know, I know - I'm the wife of a minister, I should have faith enough for this right?  Well, let me tell you - it's a LOT easier for me to have faith for you in your situation (or any other sister in theirs), but it's a WHOLE 'nother matter for me to have faith for MY situation.

My hubby is out of town for the week at the South GA Church of God Campmeeting. (BTW, I posted a link to watch the services live, but the correct link is 2012 South GA Campmeeting Live Stream)  We have a situation we are praying through right now, and I could sense in his voice one of the 5 millions times I called him today (not really 5 million, but I do miss him) a sort of down-on-myself, I'm-not-worthy kind of attitude about some tasks that the Lord has set before him.  I tried to encourage him, and even quoted scripture to him (Did I really do that?? Seriously, he's a minister.  He knows those scriptures already!! LOL).  I could tell it was going in one ear and out the other.  Maybe he felt that I'm his wife, so I was SUPPOSED to say that, right?  We've all felt that way about some sort of advice someone gave us.

So this evening, before the night service began, I started doing some house work and felt that I should spend that time praying for my husband. (Please don't think I'm June Cleaver for Ruth Graham or anything - it's nothing near as structured as that!)  And I prayed that God would encourage him in this area, and to please "make Yourself REAL to him tonight, Lord." and I prayed that God would send someone to my hubby to encourage him tonight!

Even though I was trying to watch the service, Mommyhood intervened, so I did miss some parts of the awesome message Brother David Price preached at Campmeeting tonight.  When my hubby called me after service (WAAAAY after, but I was trying to be patient, you know...) it turns out that God not only answered my prayer about being REAL to my hubby, but God also sent someone my husband trusts with a word for him AND sent a second person with a confirmation to that word!

Now we are unapologetically pentecostal. So please forgive me if I'm talking about something that makes no sense to you, but when J told me of the events that happened tonight, I was absolutely OVERWHELMED with a sense of shock and unworthiness and just gratefulness because a split-second after he told me that, I realized - Wait a minute!  That's what I prayed for!!  So I started boo-hooing and HAD to raise my hands in the middle of my living room to give thanks to my God!  Oh my Lord - that You would answer a prayer that I prayed for my husband when it's just been recently that I have been feeling led to pray more and more for him....And You answered it about this specific situation, and sent a specific person with that specific word, and I prayed that!  And You answered it!  Who am I, that you'd listen to my prayers??  But You listened!!  and You answered!!!

All this was going through my mind and through my spirit in a matter of seconds.  I'm still in awe that God would answer this prayer I prayed in such an unquestionable way!  And to think that He's the One who nudged me to pray in that way for my husband to begin with!!

Oh, God you truly do cause ALL THINGS to work together for good to me and my family, because we LOVE YOU, and we are CALLED for YOUR purpose!

Are you ready to listen for His still, small voice - nudging you to pray for this person or that situation just so that you can see how He's going to work it out for good?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Surprise - Country Themed Wedding/Anniversary Party!!

We were finally able to (almost) surprise my parents with their 40th anniversary party this weekend.  Now, my family is not one of those families where everyone is happy all the time, so of course there was some drama, but I can honestly say that we all enjoyed revisiting old memories and even made some new ones! :-)  My cousin Sara was sweet enough to take pics, so as soon as she edits and uploads them I can post more for you.  In the mean time, I will share some of the preparations with you!

We chose a country theme (not country-western...just country!  There IS a difference, as I learned from my little sister!).  And these are the invitations we sent out:

The verse above the bow says: SHHHHH!!!!  It's a Surprise Party, so don't tell a soul!  Tommy and Cheryll have made it to ruby, now they're headed to gold!

I used burlap (which I bought online by the bolt so we could have plenty for decor and such) and ivory-colored cardstock, with jute twine tied around the cardstock.  To adhere the cardstock to the burlap, I just used double-sided tape and to adhere the bow and string of twine around the cardstock, I used Tacky Glue.  Because of the bow, the USPS couldn't send the invitations through their machines, so we had to pay extra postage for each of the invitations (still only $0.65, though).  The envelopes were just catalog-style 6x9 envelopes from office depot that I used an inkpad in "weathered burlap" (I think is the name of the color) to make it look like wood slats.  I actually came upon that technique/look by accident, but hey, it worked!! ;-)

For favors, we decided to make coasters!  Our cousin (another one - I have about 3 million cousins...) Amanda (btw, Amanda also did a CRAZY amount of work for the party, too!! We SOOOO could not have done this without her!!) donated about 130 tiles for me to customize.  My sister and I chose to put a "love" themed quote on each coaster.  Originally, I was going to design them on the computer with some country-themed artwork, but I stumbled across a burnt paper quote somewhere...probably pinterest...and fell in LOVE (pun intended) with just using a very simple primitive country font to make each quote the focal point.  Here are some pics of our work:

This is after printing, trimming and burning the quotes .  It took a while, but I love the primitive look it contributes to the tiles!  To burn paper like this just youtube "burn paper tutorial".  There's plenty of great tips out there!

My first three.    I used Mod Podge as the main adhesive/sealant and did one coat all over (brushing L-R), then placed the quote, then after the first coat dried, I did a second coat L-R, then a THIRD coating I did up and down to create a cross-hatch, fabric effect.  VERY cool, but my iPhone didn't catch that detail. ;-) THEN, because I read somewhere that the Mod Podge doesn't make it waterproof, we used a clear acrylic spray to seal it.   (Just noticing that there is a lot of blurry images below - my apologies!!  If it was too hard to read, I tried to include the quote in the caption beneath the pic)

Sorry for the blur - this is the chorus of "When You Say Nothing At All".  Notice the soot on the left.  I had to keep reminding myself that the beauty of hand-made is that not all of the items will be perfect....I still had my favorites, though!

From an Alan Jackson song -- that man writes some great love songs for married people!! LOL

One of my sister;s quotes that wound up being one of my favorites.

"A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers."  -- a quote by Ruth Bell Graham, wife of  Billy Graham.

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person" - Mignon McLaughlin 

1 Cor 13:13

1 Cor 13

A quote I found YEARS ago...I want to make me and my hubby a plaque with this on it but haven't gotten around to it yet...

Marriage is our last, best chance to grow up. - Joseph Barth

We don't have much...but we have love.  And that's enough. - me!  --Taken from the song I wrote for the parents.

Don't know where I found this, but I LOVE it!! 

"Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together" - source unknown 

from my FAVORITE Alan Jackson song Like Red on a Rose: "I love you like all little children love pennies.  And I love you 'cause I know that I can't do anything wrong.  You're where I belong - like red on a rose"

And this is the rows and rows of coasters by husband and friends Darin and Judy helped us to make!!
To finish the coaster, we Tacky Glued felt to the back of the tile to protect furniture surfaces.  Of course you can use these tiles for accent artwork or anything, but we kept calling them coasters, so that's what they became. ;-)

We also used mason jars as center pieces and did burlap wraps and things for them, but I will make that a post later.  Right now, I must find my bed!  It's been a CRAZY weekend and my hubby is going to be gone this next week to the South GA Church of God Campmeeting (he's leading worship Wednesday morning!!  Follow the link to watch live!!) so I will be single-parenting-it this week since my son's school doesn't celebrate their last day of school until FRIDAY!  Sheez...I don't know of any other school district in session this late...

Hope you have a GREAT week!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

A Day Off Means Work!! (Don't miss this tip!)

As with most working moms out there, my day off today consisted of a considerable amount of work!  I did get to "sleep in" for an extra hour this morning, though.  I use that term loosely because my time "sleeping in" was peppered with Col asking "can I get up now?", "Can I play my DS?", can I do this...that...etc, etc.  I finally gave up and started my day. :-)

So, now nearly ALL the laundry in my house is DONE, we've installed a new faucet in the kitchen and bathtubs, toilets, and floors have been cleaned.  But what I'm MOST proud of today is my SHINY SINK!!!

I really should have taken a "before" picture, but here's my sink now:
Yes, I have a cow on my sink.  It's been on every sink we've had since we were first married.  Back then, I wanted to do my kitchen in a black & white country farm kind of theme, but we couldn't afford to go out and by all new things.  My husband happened upon this toy cow at a yard sale and bought it for 25-cents so that I could have something black & white/cow/farm related in my kitchen. We've changed our kitchen decor a dozen times since then, but that cow goes with us where ever we go! :-)

I used the "shiny sink" method from  It is a VERY thorough cleaning that I have used in every place we've lived since I learned about it years ago.  We've been renters for more than 10 years, and while I'm not usually germ-o-phobic, the thought of using sinks without doing this really does make me cringe.  :/

So, I encourage all my readers who are renters or ministry wives with housing provided by the church to check out the flylady's method for shining your sink.  Even if you think your sink is clean already. :-) Here's the link for that: Flying Lessons: Shiny Sink.  (BTW, even if you own your own place and have for years, still check it out!!  While you're there browse around the flylady's site.  It's very helpful for any domestic engineer, whether you work outside the home or not.)

Since I love my readers so much that I gave you the link to see how to make your sink shiny, I won't bore you by regurgitating what that link will tell you.  I will, however, give you a few pointers that I've learned (I may have even learned them from the flylady and just don't remember...regardless, I'm sharing my knowledge anyway.) :-)

  • The entire process will take more than two hours to complete, BUT each side needs to soak in the hot water/bleach mixture for an hour, so most of that time is just waiting.  It helps to have laundry available for while you're waiting. ;-)  
  • Speaking of laundry, wear something you don't mind being ruined.  No matter how careful I think I will be, I still manage to get some bleach of some sort on my shirt & then get angry with myself.  Don't say I didn't warn you!
  • Read all the instructions before you get started.  (probably should have put this one first, right???)
  • DON'T BE AFRAID to use brillo/steelwool pads in your stainless steel sink!  What she tells you to do WILL NOT hurt your sink, I promise.
  • If you have a shiny chrome faucet (like my new one above), I wouldn't use the steel wool pad on that -- I've never tried it, but I'm thinking that, unlike your sink, the chrome faucet WILL get hurt by the steel wool.  
  • Use a sharp knife for the nasty crud/lime that may have built up over the year.  And be ready to put some elbow grease into it!  My cleaning the sink actually logged me about 24-minutes of activity on my body bugg, but my sink looks awesome!
  • Flylady mentions that if your sink still doesn't look as good as you wanted, you can use certain types of oil to sort of "polish" it.  I've never used the oils, because my sinks always wound up looking great anyway.  Let me know if you try it and like the oil better.
  • After you finish cleaning your sink, keep it up throughout the year.  The easiest way is to wipe your sink dry everytime you use it! I know, I know, that seems completely weird...and kind of OCD...but think about it - you know how those water spots on your really nice glasses irritate you when you unload the dishwasher (or dish drainer)?  Water spots will dull your stainless steel sink too!  And when people come over and don't see even a water spot, guess who just became the best housekeeper on the block? LOL
So, there you have it!  My first post about housekeeping.  When you try this, make sure to take a before/after pic if you're able, and post it in the comments for me to see!!

Happy Memorial Day, everyone!!


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Saturday List - Blogs & Sites

Yes, I know there's a place on my sidebar for this, but I wanted to give you a list of all kind of blogs and sites  I've found helpful and just plain enjoyable... :-)  They are in no particular order and you'll find all kinds of topics, from fitness to Chrisitanity, to motherhood, to crafting.... I'm sure there's something for (nearly) everyone in this Saturday List!! == This site is a GREAT resource for all kinds of tips - from exercise to nutrition to even style & Hollywood.  I've set it as a favorite and check in every few days for whatever little nuggets the crew at have for me. == You've seen me write about this before, but the fact is you can't beat a FREE resource for tracking food and fitness.  Honestly, even though I use my bodybugg and its software/program, I still use sparkpeople for my nutrition tracking.  Sparkpeople's food tracker has probably the LARGEST collection of foods to choose from & will allow you to add a recipe or food that's not listed.  When you do that, it's put into the collection so all the other members have access to it, too -- I'm serious.  Mega-Info on this site! == follow Kristen as she continues on her journey to bringing the "pretty" back into her life.  She's already accomplished quite a bit in the fitness/weight loss arena, and she also writes about real-world things and it's really fun just to keep up with her.  Plus, I love her radio shows that she posts!! == one of the first blogs I started following a couple years ago...I totally have a blogger/mommy crush on Crystal!  The subtitle of her site says "Helping You Be a Better Home Economist" - and she totally does!  She'll alert you to deals - whether they are online, in store (and most times with coupons), but she also gives tips and info for living simpler and (drum roll, please...)  DEBT FREE!  Dave Ramsey is one of her financial 'heros' and he's actually mentioned her on his show and website because she's doing such a great job equipping families today with what they need to survive (and thrive!) in today's economy.  Plus, she's a Christian, which is always refreshing in the blogging world! :-) == One of the most recent blogs I've been following.  I LOVE how Crystal (interesting how many Crystal's this list has...) uses Proverbs 31 as part of her header on her blog.  She blogs about her family and events and such like everyone does, but she has such a talent for decorating and shabby-chic craftiness that I feel totally inspired every time I visit!  == Lysa Terkeurst is my hero for helping me to realize that my weight loss battle isn't just a flesh-and-food kind of battle.  You may remember, she is the author of Made to Crave - a book that has totally transformed my life.  On her site, she does a great job at giving day-to-day encouragement on many different topics even though she goes through many hard times herself.  She is an awesome woman of God! == Leah is a good friend of mine, who I'm ashamed to say I don't see NEAR as often as I want.  But she is SUCH an encouragement on her blog!  Leah's a stay-at-home mom and wife who blogs about whatever truths the Lord reveals to her, and I can tell you from experience she is full of God's grace and love for her fellow Christian sisters.
And, last but definitely not least: == Let me just say it this way:  I want to be a Shara when I grow up! LOL  Shara is full-blooded, unashamed, almost in-your-face Pentecostal & proud of it.  It's so rare to find a Pentecostal woman who is NOT a kook (or "code 24" as some my my old WHC security friends would have said), but who is confident enough in what she believes that she honestly feels like she'd be doing wrong if she DIDN'T share! But she also blogs about things that real parents in the real world are concerned about.  I love her encouragements and her teachings, and I'm sure you will too!

Hope you enjoy!!  Happy reading!!
